Estate Planning


Few of us like to think about dying but equally few of us could live with the thought that we have not provided adequately for family and friends who survive us.

The legislative regime around the passing on of assets to your chosen beneficiaries requires advance planning – and as none of us knows when we shall die, this means making the necessary provisions now.

The earlier you make the arrangements, the greater your chance of taking full advantage of the tax opportunities available, to maximise the amount that goes to your beneficiaries rather than to the taxman.

It is equally important when planning to transfer your estate that you make adequate provision for yourself and your spouse or civil partner in your later years. Striking this balance calls for considerable skill and foresight and a detailed knowledge of the tax regime, which our expert team offers.


Our estate planning service includes:

  • Help with drawing up and reviewing your Will *
  • Making full use of exemptions and lower tax rates on lifetime transfers
  • Optimising lifetime transfers between spouses *
  • Transferring agricultural or business property *
  • Transferring assets into trust *
  • Arranging adequate life assurance to cover potential inheritance tax liabilities

* These services are likely to require a solicitor to facilitate. We can work with your existing solicitor or recommend a suitable firm.

In estate planning, it is useful to consider this alongside other issues such as Retirement strategies and Trusts and executorships

If you wish to know more about our estate planning services in Leeds, Yorkshire or would like to arrange a free initial meeting to discuss in more detail how we can help you, please contact Peter Blinkhorn on 0113 204 4214 or email or Richard Leonard on 0113 204 4215 or email