As a business tax payer, you will be only too aware that corporate tax self assessment adds an additional burden to your responsibilities.
Coupled with increased HM Revenue & Customs enquiry activity, you will also know that the consequences of inaccurate reporting can be serious – but, like any other taxpayer, you do not want to pay any more tax than necessary.
Our corporation tax compliance services covers:
- Preparation of the company’s Corporation Tax and Capital Allowances computations based on your annual accounts.
- Preparation and submission of the Company’s Corporation Tax Return form CT600.
- Calculating the company’s Corporation Tax liability for the year and advising you of the due date for payment.
- Dealing with all routine enquiries and liaison with the Inland Revenue in connection with the return.
By working with us, we can help your company to maximise the benefits of tax incentives and benefits through advance tax planning. These opportunities include:
- Purchasing commercial property
- Employee share schemes
- Company cars
- Non trading investments
- Tax incentives to outside investors
If you wish to know more about our Corporate Tax Compliance in Leeds and Planning service in Yorkshire or would like to arrange a free initial meeting to discuss in more detail how we can help you, please contact Clare Thomas – DD 0113 2044216.